Watch the clip twice and then choose the right answer for each of these questions:
A1. She appeared on this program because she: ____
1) is trying to convince Colbert to become a gamer.
2) is researching former players of Dungeons and Dragons.
3) has just published a book.
4) is trying to reach her goal of 500 million gamers.
A2. Stephen Colbert wants to know whether McGonigal ____:
1) is an avatar.
2) is the actual writer of her book.
3) is a friend of Bono's.
4) owns an X-Box.
A3. Jane McGonigal claims that ____
1) 94% of gamers are female.
2) 40% of gamers are female.
3) 250,000 gamers are female.
4) we are all gamers.
A4. When McGonigal says that "reality is broken," she is probably referring to: ____
1) the fact that too many children are addicted to their "funboxes."
2) disease, poverty, hunger.
3) gamers who forget the real world.
4) the belief that real things break, but virtual things don't break.
A5. McGonigal says that it is a misconception that: ____
1) gamers can't write articles for the journal
2) gamers don't care about real-world problems.
3) ten years of research show that game-playing is productive.
4) playing games is a bad use of time.
A6. McGonigal wants to reach a goal of ____
1) 500 million hours of gaming a week.
2) 3 billion ( hours of gaming a week.
3) 21 billion hours of gaming a week.
4) 3 billion gamers in sub-Saharan Africa.
A7. McGonigal has worked on: ____
1) a project to send X-Boxes to African children.
2) social projects in Africa along with Bono.
3) a version of Dungeons and Dragons for use in Africa.
4) a social-innovation game called Evoke.
A8. The first step in connecting gaming to real-world situations is: ____
1) teaching gamers that they are the same person inside and outside the game.
2) teaching gamers that role-playing games are better than first-person shooters.
3) teaching the public to respect gamers because they are more productive than the average person realizes.
4) teaching gamers to be resilient in the face of failure.
Please send me your answers to A1 through A8 by
e-mail or
vkontakte or bring them to the next class.
PART 2: Reading Comprehension A
Here's a standard reading exercise in a familiar format.
Click on the thumbnail at left to see the full-size page.
Please send me or give me the lettered title that goes with each paragraph:
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
Please send me your answers to 1 through 7 by e-mail (button below) or vkontakte or bring them to the next class.
PART 3: Reading Comprehension B
What do you really know about ice ages?
Here's another standard reading exercise in a familiar format.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized page.
Please send me or give me the lettered completion for each of the six sentences that have gaps:
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
Please send me your answers to 1 through 6 by e-mail (button below) or vkontakte or bring them to the next class.
E-mail link:
Vkontakte link:
Reading comprehension exercises are from Olga Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova,
Practice Exam Papers for the Russian State Exam, 2010 Revised Edition, Moscow: Express Publishing/Prosveshchenie Publishers.
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